Code of Conduct

  • The Code of Conduct establishes a set of guidelines and procedures, which outline the responsibilities, and behavior of swimmers, staff and parents associated with the squad; and lays down what members and parents can expect of the squad, together with the squad’s expectations of its members.
  • All squad members are expected to comply with the following ‘Code of Conduct’ guidelines while taking part in any squad activities. Above all, it is expected that all members of 4th Lane Swimming Academy, coaches, volunteers, poolside officials and parents alike, when attending any training sessions, event or tournament will:
    1. Behave without discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, race, religion, sexual identity, or disability as set out in the squad’s Equality statement.
    2. Respect the rights and dignity of each member of the squad and all other competitors/swimmers.
    3. Treat other competitors and teams with respect in victory and defeat.
    4. Observe the authority and decisions of all official.

Members – Training and Pool Discipline

  • All squad members are expected to:
    1. Attend all the training sessions as required by the coach. At least 85% attendance is expected; attendance at all activities is expected unless it has been discussed with, and agreed by, the Coach. Failure to meet this without a good reason could result in your place being lost to someone else on the waiting list!
    2. Be punctual for training and sessions and galas.
    3. Arrive in a positive frame of mind, ready to train at the level your coach requires.
    4. Bring all your equipment with you – goggles, pull buoys, kick boards, hand paddles, swim fins and water bottles and always respect the property of all other swimmers.
    5. Observe and respect the rules of the 4th Lane Swimming Academy whilst on their premises.
    6. Keep the changing rooms tidy and inform coaches of any problems.
    7. Make yourself available to swim in all meets and competitions when selected.
    8. Observe all rules pertaining to lane discipline
      • Do not interfere with other swimmers in your lane.
      • If others are faster than you, let them overtake without hindering them. If you are overtaking
        someone, then overtake properly, not by pulling him or her back.
      • Poor behavior in the pool will not be tolerated, especially if it affects others.
      • Be aware that swimmers consistently interfering with others training will risk being demoted
        to another lane or asked to leave the pool.
  • Bullying will not be tolerated in any form.
  • Medication: it is important that information on all medication being currently taken should be reported to the coach. • Allergies to any medication must be reported to the coach.


  • With limited training times, we cannot afford coaches wasting session time continually disciplining swimmers and if necessary, the coach will enlist the support of parents in resolving behavioral issues.
  • Swimmers disrupting sessions for whatever reason will be issued an initial warning by the coach.
  • Swimmers continuing to ignore the warning will be asked to leave the pool. A letter will be sent home and the offender will only be allowed to attend subsequent sessions with a parent present, while the problem continues.
  • More serious breaches of the Code of Conduct will be discussed further.
  • The swim squad coach has the right to decide on any matters not covered in the Code of Conduct.
  • The failure of any squad member to continually comply with all of the Code of Conduct will result in sanctions being taken under the squad rules which may result in permanent exclusion from the squad.

Squad Coach

The squad promotes a high standard of ethical conduct and practice. The squad coach will follow the principles set out below:

  • Behavior and Personal Conduct must at all times be of high standard and reflect favorably on the squad and the sport. • Be a positive role model, set good examples.
  • Consider the well being and safety of swimmers before development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with swimmers, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Ensure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability, and experience of those taking part.
  • Promote positive aspects of the sport.
  • Follow all guidelines laid down by the squad.
  • Ensure swimmers are selected for competitions on their ability.
  • Never exert undue influence over swimmers to fain personal benefit or reward.
  • Never condone rule violation, rough play, or use of prohibited substances.
  • Encourage all swimmers to value their performance, and not just results.
  • Recognize and celebrate good performance.
  • Respect the basic human rights, worth and dignity of all members.
  • Take the appropriate and timely action on behavioral problems.
  • Keep parents updated on their child’s progress.
  • Start and finish training sessions on time.

Code of conduct for Parents/Guardians

The squad recognizes the vital role that parents play and realizes it cannot meet its aims and objectives without the help and support if its parents. An important aim of the squad is to encourage appropriate ethical behavior among its members.

Parents and guardians are important role models, and in this respect, they can best support the membership by displaying the behaviors set out below:

  • Remember children swim and play for their own enjoyment, not their parents.
  • Encourage your child to learn the rules.
  • Ensure children behave in a manner that does not interfere with other swimmers.
  • Encourage your child to follow the coaches’ advice.
  • Discourage unfair play and arguing.
  • Keep winning and losing in perspective. Help your child recognize good performances, not just results. • Never force your child to take part in the sport.
  • Set a good example and applaud the good performances of competitors and teams with respect in victory and defeat. • Never punish or belittle a swimmer for a poor performance, making mistakes or losing.
  • Accept officials’ judgments and comply with the codes, rules and laws within the guidelines set out by the squad. • Encourage your child’s involvement and help them enjoy the sport.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times.

In addition, for the guidance of parents, and to prevent possible misunderstanding, we set out the squad’s basic expectations of the parents below:

  • Bring your child to training sessions regularly and on time and ensure they have the correct equipment. • Arrive in time to collect children at the end of training sessions.
  • Familiarize yourself with the organization rules of the squad.
  • Keep up to date with the squad information.
  • Pay all fees regularly and on time.
  • Inform the coach promptly of any change in contact information and any other relevant information to facilitate your child’s participation, safety and welfare.
  • Do not allow your child to swim in they are unwell, particularly if they have any open wound of have an upset stomach. • Inform the coach of any health concerns your child may have, whether permanent or temporary.
  • Please share your concerns with the squad coach.
  • Be involved with squad activities either as a swimming official and please share your expertise.
  • Support the squad at all competition and functions.
  • Inform the coach in good time if your son or daughter is unavailable for selection to enable substitutions to be arranged.

W A I V E R / R E L E A S E   O F   L I A B I L I T Y

I understand that all possible precautions are taken to ensure that the program and activities in the 4th LANE SWIMMING ACADEMY are conducted in a safe and responsible manner. I further understand that because of the nature of the activities within the program in which I am enrolling myself or my child, regardless of the high degree of supervision, there is a potential for injury during any activity. I recognize these risks and allow myself or my child to participate in all activities offered in the program for which I am enrolling in. I agree on behalf of my child and myself to assume the risks associated with all activities, which might occur at 4th LANE SWIMMING ACADEMY.

I hereby assume all of the risk of using the swimming pool and facilities and shall, to the extent permissible by law, hold the 4th Lane Swimming Academy, its pupils, staff and governors harmless from any and all liability actions, demands, damages, expenses, costs, claims, and causes of action of any nature in respect to injury, including death, loss or damage to self, child, guest(s) or personal property however caused as a result of or in any way related to the use of the swimming pool and facilities, including all areas around the pool. I also agree to indemnify 4th Lane Swimming Academy, its pupils, staff and governors and hold harmless from and against any liability incurred as a result of or in any manner related to the use of the swimming pool and facilities.

I am solely responsible for any damage to property incurred by me, members of my family or any other guest accompanying me during swimming sessions, functions or events.

I am responsible for payment of all fees in accordance with the selections I have made and the dates that these payments are due.

I understand that the 4th LANE SWIMMING ACADEMY ‘Code of Conduct’ must be adhered to.

I understand I will not be issued a refund if my child is suspended or dismissed due to disciplinary action.

I also understand that 4th LANE SWIMMING ACADEMY has a no refund policy regarding deposits and fees. Once reservations are made and fees are paid, I realize that they are non-refundable.

I further understand that refunds will not be issued in the event there is a break in training due to holidays or cancelled sessions due to maintenance and that there are no make-up lessons for missed lessons by the swimmer.

4th LANE SWIMMING ACADEMY is hereby granted permission to use any individual or group photographs taken during the program or showing my child for publicity or brochure purposes.

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